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You can try Leafyard entirely for free for 14 days. Sign up today to see how Leafyard can help to change how you think.
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Security and safeguarding are at the core of what we do. Your work with Leafyard is private and your alone.
Yes. When you sign up for a Leafyard account you get free, unlimited access to Leafyard for 14 days. You don't have to provide credit card or payment details. It's 100% obligation free. If you like Leafyard you can convert your free demo account to a full Leafyard membership at any time.
Leafyard is made by Diskette. We made our name by building ultra-secure fraud detection solutions for the UK banking industry. 20 million UK citizens use our software on a daily basis. Suffice to say, we take our customers' security and privacy very very seriously indeed.
It is the cross-disciplinary, science of understanding how people behave. It cross-fertilises and brings closer together insights and methods from social and cognitive psychology, from judgement and decision-making to marketing and consumer behaviour, from health and biology to neuroscience, from philosophy to happiness and wellbeing research.
Leafyard contains everything that science has proven to help make you feel better. The benefits of good sleeping, psychology and CBT, light exercise, working on your relationship with your thoughts - that kind of thing. Millions of people have used these things to feel better - it's proven. If you try out the same things that have worked for other people, you stand every chance of feeling better too.
Leafyard is made by Diskette. We are lucky enough to have become a 'go-to' team in the field of behavioural science, meaning our software is designed to invoke real, lasting change in the people who use it. You can read more about Diskette and the work we do at
We've got a helpful customer service team standing by to answer any questions that you have. Please email us at hello @ and a real person will pick up your mail and answer it.