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Turn workplace mental fitness from your biggest challenge into your greatest strength

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A meaningful wellbeing system made for a happy and productive workplace

  • Education and action

    Brief packages of video content delivered every few days are mapped along a strict timeline of positive progression, with an action plan and strategies for making these new positive behaviours stick.

  • Changing habits for good

    Leafyard becomes entwined with daily activities, similar to a gym membership, and uses the brain's inbuilt neuroplasticity to change behaviours and habits for good.

  • Actively better

    The outcome? For the user, they know how to feel better. It’s as simple as that. They’re taking responsibility for their mental health and they discover that they have the power to make themselves feel better.

Do we even know what work IS anymore?

The world is changing in unexpected ways and the demands of modern life pull and push us in all directions. Your team is crying out for help and support but it's often difficult to see the wood for the trees. What can be done?

Working from home, balancing office and family life, not looking after ourselves - these things weigh heavy on our minds, clouding our judgement and making it difficult to see a way ahead. Stress and anxiety have become the norm and without the guidance to balance us out, we grow tired, fearful and depressed. But it doesn't have to be that way. Science has *proven* that there are ways we can make ourselves feel better. Leafyard motivates your team to take science-based *action* and helps them to understand that feeling better is well within their grasp.

A breakthrough solution

Clinicians are hailing Leafyard as a new approach. It's a practical system that can help to invoke positive, lasting change in those who use it.

Leafyard’s artificial intelligence calculates adaptive strategies for the individual and guidance switches from CBT, mindfulness, exercise, diet, sleep, journaling, visualisation and much, much more. The artificial intelligence is also clever enough to control the strength of guidance - offering appropriate levels of intervention and support to users. It’s Leafyard’s combination of AI and Behavioural Science that gives users an individualised experience of care and encouragement.

Enterprise grade reporting

Insight into your workforce's state of mind with honest, 100% anonymous, narrative reporting, for an intelligence-led approach to employee wellbeing

Security and safeguarding is at the core of what we do

Our years of experience in delivering ultra-secure fraud detection solutions to the banking industry brings into focus our expertise in keeping your secrets secret. All of our evidence-based content is independently reviewed and validated by a team of clinical experts.

The simplest possible adoption and rollout process

It's really easy it is to get Leafyard into your people's hands. We've planned it all out for you. Our data shows that they will really appreciate it too. Between 17% and 25% of your team will use Leafyard on a weekly basis to build mental resilience and experience real, meaningful change. This estimate is based on existing customer usage patterns across a wide range of industries and user groups.

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Interested in providing mental health support for your employees?

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